Bettina Nissen


Bettina Nissen

I am a designer and PhD researcher in Digital Media at Culture Lab, Newcastle University. With a background in product design, my design-led enquiry is looking at digital fabrication as a tool to engage new audiences in conversation, reflection and meaning making. My practice-based work is borrowing elements from data visualisation and generative design to embed digital fabrication within data making activities translating digital information into tangible form as personal souvenirs, evocative objects and meaningful artefacts.

My PhD research is funded by a UK AHRC KE Hub for the Creative Economy, The Creative Exchange, which encourages, fosters and stimulates collaboration between Creative Industry and Arts and Humanities Academics. As part of these collaborative projects, I have successfully worked with cultural organisations and academic researchers such as ISIS Arts, FACT Liverpool, Great North Museum, Thinking Digital, Maker Faire, Research Through Design, Arno Verhoeven (University of Edinburgh) and Chris Newell (University of Hull).

If you are interested in working with me, get in touch via email:  or phone: +44 (0)7852 752274
